An interview with my long time friend Jade who runs her own business called in real estate photography in Spain, you can find her professional photography Instagram account under this user name “__trulens__”. Jade has had a really interesting career which has been shaped by her location in the south east of Spain(where we me over fifteen years ago)! By working a lot with expats, holidaymakers and residents through the tourism and leisure industry on yachts and boats.
Throughout the month of August I will be interviewing strong females who inspire me, in my series "You Inspire Me". Read on for more interviews with inspiring women, with life stories from all over the globe!
1.) Hey Jade! It’s been a long time we’ve seen each other, and we met at school, can you tell me what your experience was like moving to Spain and how you think that has shaped your personality and the person you are today?
Hellooooo Yes we have known each other such a long time! My experience moving to Spain was an easy one really, we had a holiday home here for so many years and got to know so many people that already lived here and always told us the way of life was just better! I adjusted easily as we were pretty much always here anyway, and I didn’t have that many close friends in England. Being as young as I was (12) it was exciting and new. Its shaped me in a way that Spain is such a social family friendly country, I feel like I appreciate the friends I have made which are now like family as we always make time for each other through so many social aspects.
2.) You now run your own real estate photography business, is that a self-employed role? How did you fall into that job or was it something you always wanted to do?
Its still crazy to me that I have started my own business. I have only been doing it a year and a half, I had a craving to just do something for me, that I could grow and be in charge of, get out of the nine to five. I was working at an estate agents for 4-5 years doing the photography so that Is how I learnt and grew from. I am self employed which can be challenging at times as you do pay quite a lot a month to be self employed. But I enjoy learning and growing and having the motivation to work on other projects also. I have always loved photography and I did just fall in to it which was lucky. I still can’t believe I get to do what I love everyday.
3.)When you were younger you spent some time working on boats I believe, what did you gain from that experience, and do you think you would be able to do the same work back in the UK or has Spain allowed you to be more creative in your career opportunities?
My 4-5 years working on super yachts was one of the best experiences I have had. You got to travel to amazing places, witness a life style of the super rich which was always crazy to wrap your head around. The experience taught me what hard work was, extremely long days, you have to be very disciplined. But the hard work is worth it when you get the pay check haha. So I would say its a great job for people who don’t know what to do after school and actually want to work and earn very good money and travel! I would say the opportunities would be the same if I was in England as I had to go back to England to do my courses for the yachts.
4.) You left school fairly young, have you had to pursue an education to get where you are today or did you learn everything freehand and if so, who were some guiding friends/colleagues that helped you get to where you are today, you don’t need to name them if they don’t wish to be named.
I did leave school young, I was not academic in the slightest and always felt the school system let me down and many other individuals that were more creative. I just never saw the point of continuing when I could go out and get experience and start working. Hence the yachting As for the photography, I taught myself and have always had an eye for it, I think in a way learning on the job can be better as you are the only one in charge of your skills.
5.) What do you do in your spare time and how do you manage to balance your work life balance?
My spare time is quite social, I love working in the mornings then getting home and editing, but in Spain the day doesn’t end at 5-6. Usually meeting friends for a coffee, or in the summer you still have time to go to the beach. Where I live I have most of my closest friends around so its just so perfect. For me home is where my people are, its amazing always knowing you have a good support system around you.
6.) What do you think the quality of life is like in Spain and what would you say to anyone wanting to make the move to overseas as an expat?
The quality of life here in Spain is a lot better, in general just healthier, social, family is important, Noting is too rushed, which sometimes is annoying haha. But it teaches you to live life in the moment. I would say if you want a relaxed life then do it! But also make an effort to learn the language, we are in their country after all and you can not expect everyone to know English.
7.) What are some of the things that you miss from the UK or are you totally in love with the Spanish lifestyle having lived there for so long?
Honestly the only thing I miss from he UK is the cold weather! I know its crazy but the summers go on for so long and I find many people who have lived here for as long as I have do welcome the first drop of rain after summer when it arrives.
8.) You always seem to be having the best time of your life and this is an attitude you have maintained since I knew you in our teenage years, who inspires you to be so optimistic and such a go getter?
Don’t get me wrong I have had the ups and downs, but I think I have just always been bubbly and like to always look for the good in things and people
9.) Who inspires you daily to continue at what you do and are there any female protagonists that you really look to for guidance?
I have so many amazing women around me, my close friends are amazing strong women who have gone out to get what they want and that inspires me everyday, no matter what we have each others backs and just knowing you have that gives you the drive you need.
10.) Our teen years are now well behind us and were entering the prime of our lives, how do you feel now in your own abilities compared to your younger self and what would you say to your younger self if you had a chance?
Oh gosh, I feel 100 times more confident in who I am, I feel like I’m just getting started! I would say to my younger self to not worry as much as she did back then, believe what you feel is right don’t doubt yourself (as I did that a lot) Don’t worry about a time frame or what you are “meant” to be doing at a certain time. Things happen when its right!
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