Following my work on living with a dopamine detox I’ve been working on some new activities such as kayaking in Loch Lomond, just 20 minutes from my home in Glasgow, Scotland. During this time I’ve been focussing on accepting more solace and presence into my life. What does this look like? It looks like concentrating on more smaller details whilst utilising all the senses… Smell, taste, hearing, touch and vision. Analysing what pleasure or displeasure I get from these experiences and how they make me feel. All of this is helping to shift the brain fog I’ve experienced from post baby covid times and my ability to gain autonomy over my life, putting me back into the drivers seat. Why should you try this too? Well, by gaining more presence with what is happening right now in this moment and adding colour and senses we can ensure we add more vibrancy to the lived moments that sometimes might pass us by, regaining a sense of ownership our lives which are so often in the service of others, society, bills, parenting, friendship navigating and so forth.
In this country we don’t often have access to the same amount of sunlight and sunshine as other cultures in other countries do. Nearly everyone I speak to complains about the weather and when they are preparing for their next holiday. While dealing with the changeable weather in Scotland, we are continually being shaped by behavioural changes such as bracing into the rain, grimacing into the cold, covering up to protect our skin from the elements, making our bodily movements smaller, hunched and defensive. Without a conscious awareness that this is happening to us we can then carry this into other aspects of our lives and begin to lose some of vibrancy of our hum drum lives. This can be countered by working on adding vibrancy to small moments. Concentrating on colours, even muted ones. Tracing details including ones that aren’t instagrammable and can’t be caught on camera. By doing this you are taking ownership over your mental load and compartmentalising how much energy you want to use on the capitalist society we live in. Without practicing mindfulness we risk losing our lives to the next big thing and becoming chained by the need for more, constantly. Give it a go, see if you can start to take ownership of your own memory bank and autonomy over your emotional experiences during the short time we have on this planet.
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